Main things to consider while choosing an ISO 45001 certification body
Is your company ISO 45001 certified? If you have implemented ISO 45001 then you will need an external certification body if you want to certify your OH&S management system (Operational Health and Safety Management System). There are many choices when it comes to selecting a certification body and what criteria would be best for you to consider. So, how do you make the best choice possible?
Should ISO 45001 certification cost be the primary deciding factor?
The price of your certification the process will be the primary concern for many people in your organization and while this is obviously important, perhaps it should not be the deciding factor. Let’s look at what else we should assess before making a choice:
Accreditation: Even certification bodies need to be formally accredited to deliver their service and many blue-chip customers are specific regarding using only those bodies that have proper certification. This accreditation is usually provided by UQAS (Universal Quality Accreditation Services) International Accreditation Body and non-profitable board responsible for providing accreditation for Certification bodies/ Agencies in the fields of Management system certifications, Training Organizations, Inspection bodies, Testing and Calibration bodies. UQASL Accreditation demonstrates the impartiality, competence and independence of these organizations. UQASL does not perform certification.
Experience: Everyone wants to pass an audit but getting full value for your certification process is also critical and that value is more likely if your auditors have experience. Don’t hesitate to ask your audit body for evidence of your auditor’s experience and previous companies they have audited. This can help you decide if he/she is the right fit for you. Accredited certification bodies have online databases available to show which certified individuals are engaged as auditors, as well as databases on certified clients.
The ability to audit integrated systems: Your organization may have a multi-faceted management system where certification audits against ISO 9001:2018, ISO 14001:2018 or ISO 27001 are also required, and it can be hugely advantageous if one certification body can check all of them in an integrated audit. This could well save you time and money, given that multiple body performing multiple audits would have to take time to familiarize themselves with your business and its management systems for each audit. On the other hand, an audit body that can incorporate everything into a single audit will only have to do this once.
Geography and language: These are both pretty obvious elements, but they can bring you problems if they are not considered. If your auditor is traveling a long distance, for example, and arrangements need to be made because of illness or absence at your company, any inconvenience or cost will most likely be felt by your own organization and not the auditor. You may well find that certification bodies with available auditors who are geographically closer may bring greater flexibility should plans change unavoidably at short notice. Selecting a certification body that needs to send an auditor a longer distance will also have a negative influence on the cost.
Areas of specialization: Many certification bodies gain reputations for specializing in certain sectors and this is worth considering when you make your choice. For example, a call center may have vastly different requirements from ISO 45001 certification than a heavy engineering company, and if a certification body has a great deal of experience in the latter and none on the former, you may have to spend an excessive amount of time explaining the intricacies of your business. This will detract from your ability to get maximum benefit from your audit, and therefore needs considering.
Longevity: It is to be hoped that both your business and the business of the certification body will be in existence for some years to come. If you can establish a long-term relationship with a certification body, there will be defined benefits; they will get to know the detail of your business well and need to spend less time learning this every year. Trust and flexibility will therefore increase and the general level of service you receive from the certification body will improve. It is therefore worth considering your certification body’s reputation, length of existence, stability and financial situation before engaging them – in the same way, you would normally do with most partners or suppliers.
Making the right choice
Hopefully, it has become clear that, while the price is important, it is certainly not the only element to consider when deciding on an ISO 45001 certification body. Like the process your organization should undertake when selecting suppliers or partners, it may even be worth drawing up a scorecard and weighing your desired criteria before scoring the certification bodies you are considering. It is worth remembering that by engaging the certification body and asking these questions you are demonstrating your attitude towards risk and opportunity, and in a competitive marketplace, your organization has every right to do this. Correctly approach this decision and your business should see the benefit for years to come.
About Us
INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT SERVICES SDN. BHD is a registered organization in Malaysia and a group company of M/s. Integrated Assessment Services Pvt. Ltd. (IAS-INDIA). IAS has its direct presence in 6 countries and its associates in 14 more countries to deliver ISO certification, ISO training activities to its customers.
From the initial inception of 2007, it has grown in many ways in the certification business. Its directors have strong conviction in delivering quality services to its customers in a transparent and efficient manner.
Having a strong presence in Certification has complemented IAS in delivering training programs on ISO Lead Auditor, Internal Auditor training and Awareness Training, etc.,
How IAS Can Help
Working with an accredited certification body like IAS can help you achieve certification and improve your organization. At IAS, we are passionate about providing excellent value and service for our clients and helping them improve their products and processes.
transparently and efficiently more information about ISO 45001 Certification Body and the role, we can play in your efforts to achieve certification to it, feel free to contact us. To get started with In the certification process, you can also request a quote.
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